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Shopping process

1.    Register,Login                                                                                                                   

a)     Login

     - Go to our home page and select "Login", enter your username or email & password, select "Login"



         b)     Register

                    Go to our home page and select "Register", fill in your details on following form, select "Register Now" 


2.    Seaching Product

     You can find the product via "Keyword Tool" or "Category Novigation Bar" 



3.    Add to Shopping Cart

        a)You can adjust the quantity you like, select Add to cart to add an item to your shopping basket.



4.    Checkout

       When you're ready to pay, select "Settlement"

       Fill in your "Delivery Address", choose the "Payment Method" and "The best Delivery Time" , fill in "Other Info" (optional), double check your details , then select "Sudmit Order"

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