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About us

Founded in 2008, Regency Group is currently the leading group in the UK and one of the most comprehensive, competitive and influential enterprise groups in the service of Chinese people. Regency Group adheres to the core concept of "customers are our real long-term partners" on the basis of high-quality professional services, and gradually develops various businesses with high-end human resources. Headquartered in the city center of york city, the group owns group offices, restaurants, supermarkets, restaurants, KTV, fast food restaurants, warehouses and other one-stop services, such as catering, supermarket, life services for overseas students and travel consulting services for companies or individuals.
Regency Group has been committed to producing top-class Beijing, Sichuan and Cantonese dishes for the Chinese people, and has set up luxurious KTV rooms and entertainment facilities in the restaurant to meet everyone's pursuit of taste and memory of their hometown, which has won unanimous praise from customers, and is a unique member of york's catering industry.
Regency Supermarket tries its best to introduce all kinds of domestic food, seasoning, beverage, fresh food, fruits and vegetables and other products. It is also accompanied by South Korea, Japan, India, Thailand, Malaysia and other southeast Asian products to meet the catering needs of its customers.
Regency Group also manages life services for overseas students, including airport pickup, luggage storage, chartered travel, group dining and other butler services.
Regency Group will also expand its tourism, hotel, real estate and other businesses, and strive to develop into a diversified group with multiple services as a whole, striving to become an important brand in the Chinese community. Regency Group has created a business system for serving Chinese people, a core value of serving Chinese people, a corporate culture with Chinese characteristics, and a continuous optimization of services. It has become a real long-term partner for you to do business, live and study in the UK.

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